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160A Introduction To Plumbing I - 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab, 3 units (Grade Only)

Advisory: English 47A or English 48 and English 49, each with a grade of C or better, or equivalent or Assessment Skill Levels R5 and W5; Mathematics 38 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent or Assessment Skill Level M30. Limitation on Enrollment: This course is not open to students with previous credit for Plumbing (Construction Trades) 105, 305 or 60A.

160B Introduction To Plumbing II - 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab, 3 units (Grade Only)

Prerequisite: Plumbing (Construction Trades) 160A or 305, with a grade of "C" or better, or equivalent. 
Limitation on Enrollment: This course is not open to students with previous credit for Plumbing (Construction Trades) 60B, 110 or 310. 
This course is designed to give the plumbing student an introduction to reading and interpreting the International Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials (IAMPO) uniform plumbing codes and residential plumbing drawings, identifying various types of pipe and the procedures for working with the pipe. This course also includes identification of various plumbing lines and their components. This course is designed for students planning a career in the plumbing trade. (FT) AA/AS; CSU.

165A Intermediate Plumbing I - 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab, 3 units (Grade Only)

Prerequisite: Plumbing (Construction Trades) 160B or 310, with a grade of "C" or better, or equivalent. 
Limitation on Enrollment: This course is not open to students with previous credit for Plumbing (Construction Trades) 65A, 115 or 315. 
This course is designed to provide the intermediate plumbing student the knowledge of introductory plumbing math, the identification of various commercial drawings, the installation of DWV (Drain, Waste & Vent) piping components and systems for commercial properties utilizing local and National Plumbing Codes. This course is designed for students planning a career in the plumbing trade. (FT) AA/AS; CSU.

165B Intermediate Plumbing II - 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab, 3 units (Grade Only)

Prerequisite: Plumbing (Construction Trades) 165A or 315, with a grade of "C" or better, or equivalent. 
Limitation on Enrollment: This course is not open to students with previous credit for Plumbing (Construction Trades) 65B or 120 or 320. 
This course is designed to give the intermediate plumbing student the ability to perform testing of water supply piping and systems, installation of the components of a water supply system, and the ability to read and interpret commercial plumbing drawings for project requirements according to local and national codes. The application of advanced trade math concepts is further developed. (FT) AA/AS; CSU.

170A Advanced Plumbing I- 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab, 3 units (Grade Only)

Prerequisite: Plumbing (Construction Trades) 165B or 320, with a grade of "C" or better, or equivalent. 
Limitation on Enrollment: This course is not open to students with previous credit for Plumbing (Construction Trades) 70A, 125 or 325. 
This course is designed to provide the advanced plumbing student with the ability to perform applications of advanced math for plumbers and methods of handling waste. This course also provides information relating to water softening measures, methods of locating buried lines, the installation and maintenance of waste pressure booster systems, and the prevention of backflow. This course is designed for students planning a career in the plumbing trade. (FT) AA/AS; CSU.

170B Advanced Plumbing II - 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab, 3 units (Grade Only)

Prerequisite: Plumbing (Construction Trades) 175B or 340, with a grade of "C" or better, or equivalent. 
Limitation on Enrollment: This course is not open to students with previous credit for Plumbing (Construction Trades) 70B, 130 or 330. 
This course is designed to provide the advanced plumbing student with the ability to organize job tasks, clean and disinfect potable water systems, thaw frozen pipes, install main to meter water services and solar systems. This course also covers the ability to rough-in fixtures for residential, commercial and handicapped settings and install natural gas and storm drainage systems. This course is designed for students planning a career in the plumbing trade. (FT) AA/AS; CSU.

175A Plumbing Construction Specialties - 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab, 3 units (Grade Only)

Prerequisite: Plumbing (Construction Trades) 170B or 330, with a grade of "C" or better, or equivalent. 
Limitation on Enrollment: This course is not open to students with previous credit for Plumbing (Construction Trades) 75A, 135 or 335. 
This course is designed to introduce the plumbing student to specialty topics such as swimming pool installation, medical gas systems, mobile home and mobile home park plumbing systems, and private water waste and treatment systems. This course is designed for students planning a career in the plumbing trade. (FT) AA/AS; CSU.

175B Plumbing Code - 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab, 3 units (Grade Only)

Prerequisite: Plumbing (Construction Trades) 170A or 325, with a grade of "C" or better, or equivalent. 
Limitation on Enrollment: This course is not open to students with previous credit for Plumbing (Construction Trades) 75B or 340. 
This course is designed to prepare the advanced plumbing student to apply plumbing codes to correctly design and build plumbing systems. Primary topics include coverage of codes pertaining to plumbing fixtures and fittings, water heaters and fuel piping, drainage, waste and vent systems, sewage and reclaimed water systems, sizing and standards, shielded metal arc welding and alternate plumbing systems. This course is designed for students planning a career in the plumbing trade. (FT) AA/AS; CSU.

This discipline may offer specialized instruction in one or more of the following areas: Supervised Tutoring (044), Experimental Topics (265), Independent Study (290), Individualized Instruction (296), Service Learning (277), or Work Experience (270). Detailed course descriptions are listed on page 120. Please refer to the class schedule and/or see the dean or department chair for availability.


305 Introduction to Plumbing I 2 hours lecture, 4 hours lab, 3 units Grade Only

Advisory: English 47A or English 48 and English 49, each with a grade of C or better, or equivalent or Assessment Skill Levels R5 and W5; Mathematics 38 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent or Assessment Skill Level M30. 
Limitation on Enrollment: Apprenticeship - Student must be a state registered apprentice in this trade. 
Limitation on Enrollment: This course is not open to students with previous credit for Plumbing (Construction Trades) 105, 60A or 160A. 
This course is designed to give the plumbing apprentice student introductory information regarding OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) standards of safety and precautions for working on the construction site; a review of math as it relates to plumbing, hand and power tool usage, basic plumbing blueprint reading, welding and basic rigging. This course is designed for students planning a career in the plumbing trade. (FT) AA/AS; CSU.

310 Introduction to Plumbing II 2 hours lecture, 4 hours lab, 3 units Grade Only

Advisory: Plumbing (Construction Trades) 305 or Plumbing (Construction Trades) 160A with a grade of C or better, or equivalent. 
Limitation on Enrollment: Apprenticeship - Student must be a state registered apprentice in this trade. 
Limitation on Enrollment: This course is not open to students with previous credit for Plumbing (Construction Trades) 110 or 60B or 160B. 
This course is designed to give the plumbing apprentice student an introduction to reading and interpreting the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAMPO) uniform plumbing codes and residential plumbing drawings, identifying various types of pipe and the procedures for working with the pipe. This course also includes identification of various plumbing lines and their components. This course is designed for students planning a career in the plumbing trade. (FT) AA/AS; CSU.

315 Intermediate Plumbing I 2 hours lecture, 4 hours lab, 3 units Grade Only

Advisory: Plumbing (Construction Trades) 310 or Plumbing (Construction Trades) 160B, each with a grade of C or better, or equivalent. 
Limitation on Enrollment: Apprenticeship - Student must be a state registered apprentice in this trade. This course is not open to students with previous credit for Plumbing (Construction Trades) 115 or 065A or 165A. 
This course is designed to provide the intermediate plumbing apprentice student the knowledge of introductory plumbing math, the identification of various commercial drawings, the installation of Drain, Waste & Vent (DWV) piping components and systems for commercial properties utilizing local and National Plumbing Codes. This course is designed for students planning a career in the plumbing trade. (FT) AA/AS; CSU.

320 Intermediate Plumbing II 2 hours lecture, 4 hours lab, 3 units Grade Only

Prerequisite: Plumbing (Construction Trades) 315 or Plumbing (Construction Trades) 165A with a grade of C or better, or equivalent. 
Limitation on Enrollment: Apprenticeship - Student must be a state registered apprentice in this trade. 
Limitation on Enrollment: This course is not open to students with previous credit for Plumbing (Construction Trades) 120 or 65B or 165B. 
This course is designed to give the intermediate plumbing apprentice student the ability to perform testing of water supply piping and systems, installation of the components of a water supply system, and the ability to read and interpret commercial plumbing drawings for project requirements according to local and national codes. The application of advanced trade math concepts is further developed. This course is designed for students planning a career in the plumbing trade. (FT) AA/AS; CSU.

325 Advanced Plumbing I 2 hours lecture, 4 hours lab, 3 units Grade Only

Prerequisite: Plumbing (Construction Trades) 320 or Plumbing (Construction Trades) 165B with a grade of C or better, or equivalent. 
Limitation on Enrollment: Apprenticeship - Student must be a state registered apprentice in this trade. 
Limitation on Enrollment: This course is not open to students with previous credit for Plumbing (Construction Trades) 125 or 70A or 170A. 
This course is designed to provide the advanced plumbing apprentice student with the ability to perform applications of advanced math for plumbers and methods of handling waste. This course also provides information relating to water softening measures, methods of locating buried lines, the installation and maintenance of waste pressure booster systems, and the prevention of backflow. This course is designed for students planning a career in the plumbing trade. (FT) AA/AS; CSU.

330 Advanced Plumbing II 2 hours lecture, 4 hours lab, 3 units Grade Only

Advisory: Plumbing (Construction Trades) 175B or Plumbing (Construction Trades) 340 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent. 
Limitation on Enrollment: Apprenticeship - Student must be a state registered apprentice in this trade. 
Limitation on Enrollment: This course is not open to students with previous credit for Plumbing (Construction Trades) 130 or 70B or 170B. 
This course is designed to provide the advanced plumbing apprentice student with the ability to organize job tasks, clean and disinfect potable water systems, thaw frozen pipes, install main to meter water services and solar systems. This course also covers the ability to rough-in fixtures for residential, commercial and handicapped settings and install natural gas and storm drainage systems. This course is designed for students planning a career in the plumbing trade. (FT) AA/AS; CSU.

335 Plumbing Construction Specialties 2 hours lecture, 4 hours lab, 3 units Grade Only

Advisory: Plumbing (Construction Trades) 330 or Plumbing (Construction Trades) 170B with a grade of C or better, or equivalent. 
Limitation on Enrollment: Apprenticeship - Student must be a state registered apprentice in this trade. 
Limitation on Enrollment: This course is not open to students with previous credit for Plumbing (Construction Trades) 135 or 75A or 175A. 
This course is designed to introduce the plumbing apprentice student to specialty topics such as swimming pool installation, medical gas systems, mobile home and mobile home park plumbing systems, and private water waste and treatment systems. This course is designed for students planning a career in the plumbing trade. (FT) AA/AS; CSU.

340 Plumbing Code 2 hours lecture, 4 hours lab, 3 units Grade Only

Advisory: Plumbing (Construction Trades) 325 or Plumbing (Construction Trades) 170A with a grade of C or better, or equivalent. 
Limitation on Enrollment: Apprenticeship - Student must be a state registered apprentice in this trade. 
Limitation on Enrollment: This course is not open to students with previous credit for Plumbing (Construction Trades) 75B or 175B. 
This course is designed to prepare the advanced plumbing apprentice student to apply plumbing codes to correctly design and build plumbing systems. Primary topics include coverage of codes pertaining to plumbing fixtures and fittings, water heaters and fuel piping, drainage, waste and vent systems, sewage and reclaimed water systems, sizing and standards, shielded metal arc welding and alternate plumbing systems. This course is designed for students planning a career in the plumbing trade. (FT) AA/AS; CSU.

This discipline may offer specialized instruction in one or more of the following areas: Supervised Tutoring (044), Experimental Topics (265), Independent Study (290), Individualized Instruction (296), Service Learning (277), or Work Experience (270). Detailed course descriptions are listed on page 310. Please refer to the class schedule and/or see the dean or department chair for availability.