Data Dashboards
The Office of Institutional Research has been working to develop interactive data dashboards to use for institutional planning, assessment, effectiveness and to improve student learning. Each data dashboard includes a Notes tab within that has metric definitions and information on the available filtering options. Please contact the Office of Institutional Research with any questions
Enrollment Management Dashboards
Maintained by District Research office:
Enrollment Management Dashboard (On Demand | Current and Upcoming Terms Only)
The Cabinet dashboard is a snapshot of the current day and only includes classes that are active.
Enrollment Management Dashboard (Historical)
This tool is designed to help provide access to enrollment information for planning and enrollment management. This version includes tentative and cancelled sections in addition to active classes for the three most recent academic years of data available and may be updated or replaced as changes warrant.
Maintained by City Research office:
2015/16 - 2018/19 -- Historical Enrollment Management Dashboard
This tool is designed to help provide access to historical enrollment information for planning and enrollment management. This version includes enrollment data from 2015/16 to 2018/19. Please note this dashboard is no longer being updated.
Video Tutorial: How to Use the Enrollment Management Dashboard
Awards Dashboard
This tool is designed to help provide access to awards data and includes data on degrees and certificates awarded in the past five academic years.