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Academy for Remote Teaching


The Professional Development office at City is excited to offer the Academy for Remote Teaching (ART). In conjunction with AFT's Mentorship Program (M&M), ART will assist faculty as you prepare to teach remotely and online this fall.

The academy will be from July 27-31 (Session 2 has been cancelled).

We hope this time provides faculty an opportunity to reflect on your teaching, and make connections with colleagues who can serve as a support system you can rely on for assistance as we continue to teach and work remotely during these difficult and traumatic times.

These are the three components of the academy:

  1. Online, self-paced, asynchronous modules, where topics will be introduced, then be followed up by...
  2. ...synchronous, virtual discussions/workshops lead by faculty facilitators, providing an opportunity for faculty to ask questions and share their experiences and ideas for teaching practices
  3. Participants will be connected with a mentor and mentorship group that will help support them through the academy, and their teaching journey through the Fall 2020 semester


Faculty who participate in the academy can sign up for 0.5 Extended Service Units (ESUs; approx. $500).


Participation in the academy includes:

  • Reading/watching the online course materials (in Canvas)
  • Attending virtual, synchronous workshops
  • Participating in mentorship meetings:
    • At least one meeting during the week of the academy
    • Monthly meetings for the rest of the Fall 2020 semester


Some of the topics we'll be covering are:

  • Setting Up Canvas
    • Preparing an Outline
    • Adding Your Course Materials
  • Connecting with Students
    • Establishing Presence & Intrusive Communication
    • Student Success Surveys
    • The Promising Syllabus
    • Anti-Racist Assessment Practices
  • Supporting the Student Journey at City College
    • Connecting Students to the City College Community
    • Supporting Students with Disabilities
    • Addressing Anti-Blackness in the Classroom
    • Incorporating Universal Design for Learning
    • Affordable, Zero-Cost Course Materials

More topics and accompanying workshops are still being planned, stay tuned! Please read Schedule below for full, up-to-date list, with details.


The synchronous workshops are available to all faculty (not just Academy participants), and can be taken for Flex credit. Please register by signing up on the Flex system.

Asynchronous, Self-Paced

The self-paced activities for Day 1 of the Academy for Remote Teaching are

  1. Log into the Canvas shell and read lesson pages under "Setting Up Canvas"

Synchronous Workshops

  • Welcome! Academy Meet & Greet + Q&A
    Facilitator: Paula Miranda
    Let's meet over morning coffee, talk about the academy, share our goals, ask questions, and begin our week of learning together.

  • Opening Plenary: City College's, emerging HSI and only double digit Black/African Decent, dubbed the HBCU of the region approach to becoming an awesome professor by race
    11:00am - 12:30pm
    Flex #5180
    Facilitators: Rasheed Aden, Norell Martinez, Ebony Tyree, Dr. Erin Charlens
    This opening plenary will introduce the theoretical, ideological and pedagogic orientation of the Academy and a vision for creating a college in which students of all races are taught individually and collectively in the way they learn best. This approach incorporates their family life and students are provided an environment in which they achieve excellence and which affirms their identity without being required to assimilate to an educational culture at the expense of their race or culture. This session will also introduce the Academy focus on how to make the word "equity" meaningful by eliminating White Supremacy in teaching and the college culture. This plenary will frame the Academy's vision of being increasingly successful with minoritized communities with a Black/African Decent focus and including Indigenous/Chicana/o/x, Pacific Islander, and other students, and in the context of our Black Lives and Black/African Decent Minds Matter data with a particular context of online and synchronous teaching and COVID considerations.

  • Humanizing Your Online Classroom By Validating Student's Realities, Culture and Lived Experiences
    2:00pm - 3:30pm
    Flex #5181
    Facilitator: Dra. Maria-Jose Zeledon-Perez
    In this session, we will:

  • Discuss the concept of "humanizing" your online classes from a justice, engagement, and humanizing framework.
  • Contextualize what "humanizing" means for our college student's demographics.
  • Share tools to create a welcoming and safe environment that allows connection, validation, interaction, and engagement.
  • Studentts will share their voices about what it means to them to feel welcomed, cared for, validated, challenged with support, and most importantly, feeling seen and heard in an online setting.

Asynchronous, Self-Paced

The self-paced activities for Day 2 of the Academy for Remote Teaching are:

  1. Log into the Canvas shell and read lesson pages under "Establishing Presence and Intrusive Communication"

Synchronous Workshops

  • Canvas Media Accessibility
    Flex #5182
    Facilitator: Deka Chhabra and Crystal Velasco
    This workshop will cover accessibility for media in Canvas including video captioning using 3C Media, YouTube, and Amara, audio and podcast transcripts, and live captioning and interpreting for deaf and hard of hearing students in Zoom.

  • Working with an Ethic of Love
    Flex #5231
    Facilitator: Dr. Erin Charlens

    This workshop will dissect the Umoja heartbeat practice "Ethic of Love" and discuss how we as practitioners can impact our most vulnerable students both inside and outside of the classroom through this practice.

  • Connecting with Students in Canvas
    Flex #5183
    Facilitator: Jessica E. Thompson
    This workshop will cover some of the ways that you can help promote student success by maintaining effective and proactive contact with them. Topics include Regular and Effective Contact, establishing presence and instructor-initiated communication, synchronous and asynchronous communication, and a discussion of some features and applications within Canvas that can help you toward these ends.

  • Mindful Course Design
    Flex #5185
    Facilitator: Tricia Ornelas
    Our Setting up Canvas workshop will help you prepare your online Canvas course. We will consider tactics for transparency and intentionality in design to create greater accessibility for your students. We will explore how to keep students in mind when organizing your weekly modules. Ultimately, this clarity in course design allows students to grapple with your challenging content rather than navigating unclear modules. Together, we will take an outline and turn it into a consistent, yet flexible, module structure so students know what to expect and you have room to modify and differentiate your courses throughout the semester based on need.

Asynchronous, Self-Paced

The self-paced activities for Day 3 of the Academy for Remote Teaching are:

  1. Log into the Canvas shell and read lesson pages under "Supporting the Student Journey at City College"

Synchronous Workshops

  • Using Assessments to Celebrate Student Learning
    Flex #5184
    Facilitators: Darius Spearman, with Stuart Matz and Rob Rubalcaba
    In this session, faculty from Black Studies, Math, and Life Science will share how they create fair assessments that celebrate what students are learning in their class that are also easy to grade and enable them to provide substantive feedback.

  • Curriculum Trauma (CT)
    Flex # 5186
    Facilitators: Abdimalik Buul and Ebony Tyree
    Curriculum Trauma are the ways in which educational institutions damage students and impede student success from matriculation to graduation. CT is by and large an academic theory that critically examines the ways in which academic systems (i.e. curriculum) directly harm students' ability to become independent and healthy social agents. This session will further explain the theory and ways to begin to mitigate and heal the trauma inflicted on students by the institution.

  • Library Open Office Hours
    Facilitator: City College Librarians
    Looking to adopt affordable and/or zero-cost materials into your course but not sure where to start? The Librarians are hosting a lunch Q&A to address your questions about connecting the library with your studentsand to show you where you can find materials for your courses

  • Student Success Surveys
    Flex #5187
    Facilitator: Elva Salinas
    Learn how to use a questionnaire to learn more about your students, their needs, and help connect them to critical services that will help them succeed, especially in a remote learning environment.

  • Strategies and Tools for Creating Videos to Connect with Your Students
    Flex #5188
    Facilitator: Cy Kuckenbaker
    In this workshop, we will explore simple, effective strategies and tools for making videos that will help you connect with your students and humanize your remote learning environment.

Asynchronous, Self-Paced


Synchronous Workshops

  • Mentor & Mentees Meeting
    Facilitator: Mentors

  • Discussion: Addressing Anti-Blackness on Campus: Implications for Educators and Institutions
    Flex #5189
    Facilitator: Selam Gebrekristos, Dr. Abdimalik Buul, and Rasheed Aden
    This is a faculty-lead discussion about anti-Blackness and its impact in our classrooms. This session continues the conversation begun in the webinar, Addressing Anti-Blackness on Campus: Implications for Educators and Institutions.

  • The Promising Syllabus
    Flex #5190
    Facilitator: Marco Anzures
    In this workshop, we will explore how a clearly written syllabus that offers an explanation of the course's promise to students goes a long way toward making your students feel welcome and supported in any course, but particularly in a remote, online learning environment. Learn how to see your syllabus as the beginning of a conversation with students that will help them understand what it means to succeed in your class.

  • Supporting Students with Disabilities
    Flex #5191
    Facilitator: Brianne Kennedy and Crystal Velasco
    In this workshop we will discuss disability accommodations in the remote learning environment, learn from student's lived experiences at City College, share tools and strategies used by instructional faculty to anticipate students' needs and incorporate Universal Design for Learning to increase access for all students during this pandemic.

Asynchronous, Self-Paced


Synchronous Workshops

  • Invite Me, Engage Me, Include Me, Challenge Me, Believe in Me, and Educate Me with Anti-Racist Anti-Deficit Teaching Practices
    Flex #5192
    Facilitators: Doc Rivera and Rob Rubalcaba
    In this workshop you will be provided theory and research, an equity model and City College faculty will provide you practical teaching examples that you can use to close equity gaps in your classroom by race, particularly with Black/African Decent males, Indigenous(brown) and Pacific Islander students. The workshop is designed as the first in a series of four to increase your competence/knowledge, skills, motivation and vision for your success as a teacher of our City College students by race. The information provided will help eliminate White Supremacy narratives in attitudes and unconscious belief systems that impede Black/African Descent and other minoritized student success. The elements presented in this workshop will provide tools for use in a lifetime of personal and professional growth in your capacity to create and experience your students saying you knew how to love their academic achievement and success, by the way you taught to the way they learn, excel and grow by race.

  • Closing Plenary: Dialogue, Inquiry, Reflection
    Flex #5193
    Facilitators: Selam Gebrekristos Doc Rivera, Salem Berhanu,
    Dr.Abdimalik Buul and Dra. Maria-Jose Zeledon-Perez
    The closing session will be an opportunity to reflect on how each participant can identify ways to apply the knowledge and energy experienced in the sessions, problem-pose, identify challenges and goals for individual and collective growth, challenge the ideas and methods presented in the Academy, ask questions, provide feedback, and reflect and integrate the ideas as a community in dialogue.


The Academy began July 27. If you are still interested in enrolling, contact Paula Miranda, Please note that we are unable to guarantee mentorship for folks who register after July 27.

As a reminder, faculty who do not want to sign up for the *full* academy, but would like to attend and participate in the live, synchronous workshops can register on Flex. The Flex numbers are listed on the schedule below.


How is the Academy different from the district's Online Faculty Certification Program (OFCP) or AFT's The Summer Institute (TSI)?

The academy is combination of self-paced, asynchronous learning modules that are followed up with synchronous, virtual sessions with faculty facilitators- a format that is modeled after this summer's TSI. In contrast, the OFCP is fully online and self-paced. We are also offering ESUs to faculty who participate in the full academy.

Participants will also be connected with a mentor and a mentorship group that is intended to provide support through the academy and the Fall 2020 semester.

We are featuring topics similar to those offered in TSI, along with some technical topics offered in the OFCP.

I have taken the OFCP, can/should I still sign up?

Yes! While there may be some overlap in the information we are covering in the Academy, you can use this time to reflect and engage in real-time discussions that you may not have had the opportunity for in the fully-online environment of the OFCP.

Also, you may benefit from connecting with a mentor and mentorship group that can provide support through the semester.

I might miss a couple of the sychronous workshops due to scheduling conflicts. Can I still register for the full academy?

Yes! The syncronous workshops are just one component of the Academy. In addition to the guides and resources in the Canvas shell, you may benefit from the mentorship program, which can serve as a support network as you try different tools and strategies shared in the Academy.

Instead of taking the .5 ESU incentive, can I use my participation in the Academy towards salary advancement, or Flex?

Yes, you can use the Academy for workshop attendance hours that is part of the faculty salary advancement procedure, or you can use the hours towards Flex. Please note your preference on the registration form.

Who created the Academy for Remote Teaching?

A workgroup representing the Professional Development Advisory Committee, DisAbility Support Programs and Services, AFT Mentors & Mentees, the Library, as well as faculty from Student Equity programs, have provided input into the academy's design, with the Professional Development team being the primary coordinators.


Please contact Paula Miranda,


Last updated: 2020-07-21