Student Health Clinic
We Are Here For You!
Let's connect! Follow us on Instagram @sdcitystudenthealth. Download FREE Headspace App for San Diego City College.
In a life-threatening medical emergency, call 911 or go directly to nearest Emergency Room (ER)
For a campus medical emergency:
- Call 9-1-1 and College Police Dispatch at 619-388-6405
- District Police are the first responders for campus emergencies. They are CPR certified with defibrillator (AED) access, NARCAN access, and can best direct the paramedics to the victim.
- For more information about safety at SDCCD, go to the SDCCD Police Department website.
- Download LIVESAFE, on your smart phone then select San Diego City College to receive emergency information and notifications.
Students who are currently enrolled and attending classes in the San Diego Community College District are eligible to receive services from the Student Health Clinic. Many basic primary care services are available on-campus in our convenient and cost-effective clinic including:
- Free nurse (RN) visits
- Free Physician (MD) and Nurse Practitioner (NP) appointments
- Weight, Blood pressure and Vision screenings
- Diabetes and Cholesterol screening
- Tuberculosis (TB) screening and testing
- Pregnancy testing
- STI screening
- Physical exams and sports physicals
- Lab tests
- X-ray orders and imaging referrals
- Basic first aid
- Limited immunizations
- Over-the-counter medications
- Preventive health care and counseling
Students with serious or complicated medical conditions may be referred to a health care provider or facility in the community when necessary. Services are only available during regular clinic hours. The clinic is closed for all district holidays and recesses.
Fees are charged for some services that are not covered by the Student Health fee, including, but not limited to:
- Pap testing (includes gonorrhea and chlamydia screening)
- TB skin tests
- Immunizations
- Laboratory tests
- Prescribed medications
We offer free consultations for immunizations, and some immunizations are available at the Student Health Clinic. Please call our office at 619-388-3450 for more information.
Tuberculosis Screening
The Student Health Clinic offers tuberculosis screenings and testing for students and faculty/staff. Walk-ins are welcome.
Spring Hours for TB test administration:
Monday & Tuesday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
* TB skin testing services may also be available at community health centers, walk-in clinics, and some pharmacies.
Birth Control & Emergency Contraception Services Available at the Student Health Clinic:
- Counseling and referrals for all types of birth control methods.
- FREE condoms
- Prescriptions for birth control pills.
- Emergency Contraception/"Plan B"
- Emergency contraception pills should be taken as soon as possible within 5 days of unprotected sexual intercourse....the sooner the better.
Other Contraception Resources:
Family Pact: Comprehensive family planning services for low income men and women.
Planned Parenthood: 619-881-4589
Family Health Centers of San Diego: 619-515-2300
Pregnancy Testing
Urine pregnancy tests
- accurate 2-3 days before your next expected period.
- First morning urine is ideal and preferred.
To schedule an appointment call 619-388-3450
Patients new to the Student Health Clinic will be asked to complete forms prior to their first appointment and accessed through the PyraMed Patient Portal
Privacy Policy: Privacy of Medical Information
We understand that your medical information is sensitive and personal. We are committed to protecting your privacy, and will not disclose confidential medical information without your consent unless required to do so by law. The privacy of your medical information is protected under various federal and state laws, along with ethical guidelines for health care personnel.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of students education records. Under FERPA, the medical records maintained by the Student Health Clinic are either education records or treatment records. Both of these records are excluded from coverage under the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules. FERPA describes rules that govern the release of these records. In general, we will ask you to sign a written consent before we disclose any medical information. However, FERPA allows us to disclose medical information without your written consent in certain situations such as:
- For medical treatment and services.
- For healthcare operations such as Quality Assurance and other administrative activities necessary to provide medical care in the clinic.
- To comply with a judicial order or lawful subpoena.
- Lawsuits and disputes involving the college and you or your parents.
- To avert a serious threat to health or safety, if knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health and safety of you or other persons.
- For public health risks.
- See FERPA regulations for a full list of allowed disclosure without written consent under FERPA.
The California Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (CMIA) is an important state law that also protects the privacy of your medical information. In some situations, the protections under CMIA are more stringent than the protections under FERPA.
The Student Health Clinic (SHC) also complies with state and federal mandatory reporting requirements for reasons such as disease surveillance, public health activities, abuse or domestic violence, etc.
Whenever the SHC must disclose any medical information, we will always consider the impact of sharing this information, and only disclose the minimum amount necessary for the intended purpose.
Please let us know if you have any concerns regarding the privacy of your medical information, or if you would like more details regarding your privacy rights under FERPA and CMIA.
Services are offered by licensed care providers
- Registered Nurses (RN)
- Nurse practitioners (NP)
- Physicians (MD)
The Student Health Center's departmental mission is to foster the academic and personal success of students by supporting the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of the college community.
Student Program Outcomes
The Student Health Center is proud to provide quality, evidence-based care to students. Among Student Health Clinic's successes documented:
- Increased the number of students who learned their weight and associated Body Mass Index (BMI). For students with increased BMI, students were educated about weight, benefits of losing weight, and a government resource that can help them learn more about the health issue.
- Utilize the PHQ2 to assess depression in all students presenting to the Student Health Clinic, and as appropriate, worked with both the student and Mental Health Counseling for treatment/referral.
- Provided health care services to students, supporting both their academic and personal success.
We are excited to partner with Headspace and provide FREE access to the entire Headspace Library for any San Diego City College student and faculty/staff member!
Mindfulness has been shown to help people stress less, increase focus, and sleep more soundly, and Headspace is your personal guide. With hundreds of exercises for meditation, sleep, focus, and movement, they'll help you start and end your day feeling like your best self.
Joining is easy. Just follow these steps to sign up and start your journey:
1. Start here.
2. Create a new Headspace account, or login to an existing account.
3. For students, verify your association to San Diego City College by typing in your email address. For staff and faculty, verify your association by
typing in your email address.
4. Visit your SDCCD associated email account to confirm your Headspace account.
5. Download the Headspacee app on your phone and login using your information from
Step 2.
6. Meditate!
Need help? Headspace is available for support at
Covid-19 & Vaccine Information
- About Coronavirus (COVID-19) San Diego County, (California Dept. of Public Health), (Center for Disease Control)
- COVID-19 Vaccines and Vaccine Safety World Health Organization
- Vaccines for COVID-19 CDC
- Coronavirus Disease Screening Tool - Do you think you have it?
- Get Vaccinated at a Site Near You
Covid-19 Information
- Home Isolation Instructions
- Home Quarantine Guidance
- Ca College Student Emergency Support Fund
- San Diego Covid-19 Community Fund (San Diego Foundation)
- San Diego County Coronavirus Disease Info
- Resources for Online College Students During COVID-19
- Covid-19 Info for Colleges and Universities
- How to Cope with Anxiety About Coronavirus
- Medi Nurse Line for Covid & Insurance Questions
- Live Well @ Home
- Disaster Distress Helpline 1-800-985-5990 provides immediate crisis counseling to people affected by the coronavirus pandemic 24/7.
Helpful Websites
- 211 San Diego Health - Food - Housing- And other resources
- CCC Health & Wellness Health infomation & modules especially for the California Community College Student
- PrEP/PEP Resources Resources for covering the cost of PrEP and PEP
- PrEP-AP California PrEP Assistance Program
Community Clinics
County Public Health Clinics
- San Diego County Immunization Clinics
- San Diego County Tuberculosis Control Program Clinical Services
- San Diego County HIV/STD Testing and Clinical Services
- County Operated Mental Health Clinics
Dental Resources:
- Free Dental Care - Clinics providing free dental care.
- 211 San Diego - Free and low cost dental care.
ADHD Resources:
Prescription Assistance
If you cannot afford your prescription(s) - click below for help:
Good Rx - Download the app or click
California Rx Card
Partnership for Prescription Assistance
Pfizer Helpful Answers
Free Medicine Program
Community Assistance Program
Needy Meds
In addition to the services available from the Student Health Clinic, it is always a good idea to have your own personal health insurance. To help students in this process, we provide the following information:
Menores de 26 y sin aseguranza? (800) 300-1506
Medi-Cal 1-866-262-9881 or schedule an intake call with Medi-Cal and/or CalFresh (food) by clicking here
Health Insurance Plans
Kaiser Permanente
Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Health Net California
To Be Announced
For detailed descriptions of events visit the City College Calendar of Events.
Peer Health Ambassadors
Peer Health Ambassadors serves as a link between the student body and Student Health Clinic, promoting the personal and academic success of all students by supporting overall health and wellness.
Health Ambassadors conduct presentations and host events throughout the academic year, educating the campus community on health and wellness topics.
Our Health Ambassadors serve the City College Campus through:
- Campus events and outreach
- Facilitating workshops
- Developing health materials and passive campaigns
- Serving as health advocates
All enrolled students are welcome to apply. We offer work study positions and volunteer opportunities.
For more information contact us at 619-388-3450
Request a Classroom or Department Presentation
We offer a variety of presentations on available services as well as other health topics.
Flex Trainings To be announced
Faculty/staff consultations are also available.
Accident insurance coverage is available for all students for any injury sustained on campus during regular attendance at college, while attending college sponsored activities, and traveling under college supervision to and from activities (excluding extramural athletics covered under Athletic Accident Insurance). All enrolled students are eligible. This insurance is secondary insurance; Medi-Cal or private insurance is billed first.
If you are ill with fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, a new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea, these may be symptoms of COVID-19. Please call the clinic at 619-388-3450 prior to arrival, whenever possible. This will allow proper screening for testing when appropriate, health care advice, referrals for in-person visits, and instructions for self-isolation if needed.