Student Resources
In addition to tutoring, the English Center offers services for students to supplement their learning needs. What can you do exactly? You can access:
- Workshops - Attend live workshops on campus that are relevant to your academic needs.
- English Center Worksheets - Review worksheets and handouts tutors use during sessions
- Recommended Sites - Access helpful websites on Modern Language Association (MLA) or American Psychological Association (APA) formatted writing
English Center Workshops
- Struggling to get started with your essay?
- Need help citing source material?
- Having trouble expanding paragraphs with specific details?
- Need help navigating your Canvas course?
English Center Workshops are the place to bring your questions and get direct help on these and other reading, writing, and critical thinking issues that matter most to you!
Not available during intersession.
Spring schedule pending.
English Center Worksheets
English Center worksheets are used by tutors while helping students. They are available on campus and can be accessed digitally on the English Center Canvas Page under the Student Resources module. If you need further help on specific topics, be sure to work with a tutor!
Topics include
- General support for academic writing skills
- Understanding and troubleshooting grammar issues
- Specific transfer level skills
Recommended Sites
Click a topic below to find out more information on what you're looking for.
Courtesy of Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (OWL)
MLA Format Information
APA Format Information