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Virtual and In-Person Counseling Services


counseling dept logo, red and orange letters with extended hours, red and orange flowers in a yellow background


Counselors are available to provide academic, transfer, career, and personal counseling to all students attending City College.  You can meet with a counselor in a "Quick Question Drop-in" or a full "Appointment".  See below for more information.

Drop-In "Quick Question" Counseling

Drop-In counseling is available at the following times and modalities:

  • IN-PERSON:  Monday - Thursday, 8:30a - 6:00p (must check-in by 5:30p), & Friday, 8:30a - 1:00p (must check-in by 12:30p)
  • VIRTUAL/ONLINE:  Monday - Thursday, 8:30a - 5:00p (must log in by 4:30p), & Friday, 8:30a - 12:00p (must log in by 11:30p)

Times may vary and are subject to change based on counselor availability and special holiday hours. 

This service is ONLY FOR QUICK QUESTIONS (15 - 20 minutes maximum) and general information such as: 

  1. Course selection/registration
  2. Adding/dropping courses
  3. Clearing prerequisite requirements
  4. Applying for graduation
  5. VA Sign-offs
  6. General information for prospective students (in-person drop-ins only)

All students are served on a first-come, first-served basis.  Please note that there may be an extended wait time during peak registration periods.

In-Person Drop-in: 

To sign up for an in-person drop-in session, stop by our office in room A-366.  You will be asked to present identification, such as your student ID, California ID, or driver's license. 

Online/Virtual Drop-in:

To sign up for an online/virtual drop-in session click on the button below, enter your student ID# and date of birth, and follow the directions.

You will be added to the Waiting Room and will receive a notification/text when the counselor is ready to meet with you.  You will also receive an email confirmation with the zoom link. Check your spam folder if you don't receive the email.

Please note:  Online drop-ins are limited and subject to counselor availability.  This service will not be available after 5:00p, Monday - Thursday, or after 12:00pm on Friday.

Online Drop-In Sign Up

Counseling Appointments

In order to schedule a full appointment with one of our Counselors, you need to:

  • Have an active SDCCD application on file
  • Have a declared City College major on your record or have City listed as your "home" campus
  • All transcripts of prior colleges attended must be received by the district
  • Have a current and accurate email address in your mySDCCD portal. You can update your email and personal information through your mySDCCD student portal. 

*Appointment requests will be screened to confirm you meet the criteria above. If you do not meet the criteria, you will receive a cancellation email within 2 business days and will be provided with other options for meeting with a Counselor.

 Virtual and in-person counseling appointments are available but are limited during peak registration periods. Stop by our office in A-366, call (619) 388-3540, or use our appointment scheduler (click on the button below) to request an online or in-person appointment. 

If you don't find any available appointments and need assistance with course selection for registration, please sign up for an in-person or virtual drop-in session

Appointment Scheduler



New Students

New Students must have an active SDCCD application. Apply online if you haven't yet. 

Next Steps:

  1. Complete the New Student Online Orientation
  2. Sign up to meet with a counselor for an in-person or virtual drop-in session (see above)



  • Prerequisite Clearance

    • You do not need to meet with a Counselor to clear a prerequisite.  To clear a prerequisite, students need to fill out the online Proof of Prerequisite form as well as provide supporting documentation that the prerequisite has been met.  Supporting documentation may include an unofficial transcript.  Screen shot of your grade is acceptable as long as your name, the name of the institution, the class, and letter grade is visible.  Fill out all the fields and under the FORM/PETITION section, link it as "Proof of Prerequisite/Co-Requisite" and more questions will pop up.  Complete the rest of the questions.  
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)